2025 Chicken List *minimum order of 3 chicks per shipment week! Call to place orders or stop by today! 508-746-0970! Week of March 10-16Barred Plymouth Rock $5.99ea (SOLD oUT)Buff Orpington $5.99ea (SOLD oUT)Rhode Island Red $5.99ea (SOLD oUT)Week of March 17-23Americana $6.39ea (SOLD oUT)Gold Laced Wyandotte $5.99ea (SOLD oUT)Sapphire Gem $6.39ea (SOLD oUT)Week of March 24-30Golden Comet $5.99ea (SOLD oUT)French Black Copper Marans $8.99ea (SOLD oUT)BLUE-LACED Red Wyandotte $8.99ea (SOLD oUT)Week of March 31- April 6Dominique $6.39eaPrairie Bluebell Egger $8.99ea (SOLD oUT)Russian Orloff $14.99eaWeek of April 7-13Olive Egger $6.99ea (call about AVAILABILITY)Bielefelder $8.99eaWeek of April 14-20Barred Plymouth Rock $5.99ea (SOLD oUT)Buff Orpington $5.99 ea(SOLD oUT)Rhode Island Red $5.99ea (call about AVAILABILITY)Week of April 21-27Americana $6.39ea (call about AVAILABILITY)Amberlink $5.99eaMidnight Majesty Marans $6.99eaWeek of April 28- May 4Mystic Onyx $6.39eaJubilee Orpington $10.99eaPolish & Crested Assortment $7.99eaWeek of May 5-11Buff Brahma $6.39eaBlue-Breasted Brown Leghorn $6.99eaLavender Wyandotte $6.99eaWeek of May 12-18Starlight Green Egger $6.39eaBarred Plymouth Rock $5.99ea (call about AVAILABILITY)Week of May 19-25Cornish Cross Broiler (Meat Bird) $3.99eaBroad Breasted White Turkey $10.99ea (SOLD oUT)*minimum order of 3 chicks per shipment week! Call to place orders or stop by today! 508-746-0970Click Here: Poultry Purchase Policy